Trilateral Summit serves as an umbrella for 70+ trilateral consultative mechanisms and a number of relevant programs that are organized with a vision to promote cooperative relations among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. The current setting of the Trilateral Summit was established in 2008 when the Leaders began to meet outside the ASEAN+3 cooperation mechanism. The inauguration of such independent Summit had a symbolic meaning as it demonstrates political will and commitment of the three countries to push trilateral cooperation to a greater height. Until today, Trilateral Summit plays a pivotal role in creating a momentum for institutionalization of existing cooperation and inception of new projects.
The TCS provides support for the Summit, as mandated by Article 3-1-(a) of the Agreement on the Establishment of the TCS, by participating in a series of preparatory meetings, keeping track of implementation of deliverables, and facilitating new initiatives in cooperation with relevant ministries. Most importantly, the TCS promotes cooperation activities and projects to create a favorable environment that would be conducive to continued development of the cooperation process.
- 3 か国知的財産協力の 10 年ビジョンに関する共同声明
- 将来のパンデミックの予防・備え・対応に関する共同声明
- 第 9 回日中韓サミット共同宣言
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に関する ASEAN+3特別首脳会議共同声明(2020 年 4 月 14 日) (仮訳)
- 第7回 日中韓ビジネス・サミット 共同声明
- List of outcome documents of trilateral ministerial meetings since last summit meeting
- Harvest Projects of Trilateral +X Cooperation
- 日中韓サミット成果文書_次の10年に向けた3か国協力に関するビジョン(仮訳)