Others DSG YAN Liang visited National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo, Japan
On November 17, 2023, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) Deputy Secretary- General YAN Liang paid a visit to National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo, Japan. Ms. Hiroko Ota, President of GRIPS, Prof. Narushige Michishige, Executive Vice President, and Prof. Hirofumi Takada, Vice President & Director of Young Leaders Program, extended a warm welcome to DSG YAN.
GRIPS stands as an international policy school dedicated to nurturing future leaders in the public sector while actively engaging in policy research to generate innovative solutions.
During the visit, DSG Yan introduced the origin of TCS and its various projects, including “the Word of Year”. He pointed out that the event website has just been open to the CJK people, hoped that teachers and students at GRIPS could participate. Moreover, he particularly emphasized TCS’ youth-related initiatives such as the Trilateral Youth Speech Contest, Trilateral Youth Summit, Trilateral Young Scholars Forum, and Trilateral Young Rural Leader’s Exchange Program. He expressed hope for future collaboration between GRIPS and TCS, envisioning the participation of GRIPS students in TCS projects and the involvement of GRIPS professors as guest speakers. GRIPS responded positively to the prospect of cooperation between the two organizations.

▲DSG Yan exchanging gifts with President OTA Hiroko

▲Group photo