Seminar & Forum K-Safety EXPO 2023 2023.09.13
On September 13, 2023, Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup participated to opening ceremony of K-Safety EXPO 2023 held in KINTEX, Goyang-city. It was organized by Ministry of Interior and Safety, and Gyeonggi-do. SG LEE visited exhibition booths and interacted with government officials, related organizations and companies involved with safety industry. Also, SG Lee was invited to the VIP luncheon, and strengthened the connection on safety management between related stakeholders. 

This EXPO is known as the Korea’s largest business platform for the safety industry with over 400 exhibitors, and over 20,000 visitors. The exhibition does not only work as the invitations to the security and public safety industry, but also as the safety communication network against disasters by introducing the products and technologies reducing natural-disaster-caused damages. It contributes to improve the safety of the underprivileged and promote safety culture. Moreover, it enhances initiating policies to prevent large-scale accidents and expanding government budget to reduce safety accident-caused damages. Consultations for large manufacturing/construction companies, public institutions were held during the exhibition. 

▲ K-Safety EXPO VIPs at the Opening Ceremony 

▲ SG LEE meeting Vice Minister for Disaster and Safety management, MOIS 

▲ K-Safety EXPO 2023 VIP Exhibition Tour in progress