其他 杨厚兰秘书长一行访问韩国环境部
2016年1月15日,中日韩三国合作秘书处秘书长杨厚兰率副秘书长李钟宪和梅泽彰马访问韩国环境部,与国际合作局朱大荣局长就三国环境合作交换意见。 杨厚兰秘书长积极评价三国环保合作历史最久、是三国合作最重要领域之一,并在领导人会议上得到了三国领导人的认可。秘书处将竭尽全力为深化三国环保合作提供支持。 朱大荣局长赞赏秘书处为推动三国合作做出的努力,并强调中日韩三国环境部长会(TEMM)历史悠久,成果显著。韩方愿推动三国环境部长会同秘书处的合作。
- Joint Communiqué of the 25th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communiqué of the 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, Korea and China
- Joint Communiqué of the 23rd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique for the 22nd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communique for the 21st Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 19th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique of the 18th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)_EN